Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
Instead of obtaining an IFTA license and decals and paying fuel use tax by filing a return, you may fulfill your fuel use tax obligations by obtaining a trip permit for each jurisdiction traveled.
For trips in New York State, you may use the New York State fuel use tax trip permit for any vehicle subject to the fuel use tax. A 72-hour trip permit can be ordered through a service bureau. New York State charges a fee of $25.00 for a trip permit. The service bureau may charge a fee in addition to the cost of the permit. You may not apply for more than ten trip permits during a single calendar year.
All vehicles 18,000 pounds and over must have a NY HUT. This permit is available as a temporary that will convert to permanent. All tractor trailer units that transport any type of fuel must get an AFC permit for trailer as well as a HUT for Power unit. All straight trucks that transport any type of fuel must get an AFC permit only.
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