Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
A 72-hour Trip Permit is required for the following out-of-state based vehicles that meet the requirements for apportionment: those with current non-apportioned tags, and those with IRP tags not apportioned for Georgia.
The Permit must be secured prior to entry and must remain with the vehicle while in the state. A duplicate or photocopy is not acceptable.
A Trip Permit for traveling into Georgia will be available online for a fee of $30.00 and allows interstate and intrastate operation in Georgia.
Georgia-based carriers, who are not apportioned to travel in another IRP state, but wish to do so, must contact that state or the wire services to obtain any needed Trip Permit and information on other requirements of operation. If not apportioned for it before entering any other IRP member state, a Trip Permit must be secured and carried in the cab of the vehicle for which issued or the vehicle may be subject to full registration fees in that state and /or fined. Georgia does not sell trip permits to Georgia-based carriers.
If you need to travel out-of-state before you receive your IFTA credentials, you must purchase fuel trip permits to travel in IFTA jurisdictions and for your reentry into Georgia. Your Georgia Motor Fuel Use Tax Permit must be purchased and validated before you reenter the state. A 10-day Motor Fuel Use Tax Permit will be available online for a fee of $16.00.
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