Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
When driving through work zones in NM there are several factors to consider such as – project scope and duration, type of work, vehicle mix, time of day, escape paths and potential hazards to workers and road users. The government and DOT wants you to stay safe on the roads at all times. Their tips to help you go through work zones safely and in the best possible way are;
Minimize distractions - Avoid activities when driving such as using cell phones, changing radio stations, eating or engaging in any activity that takes your eyes off the road.
Pay close attention Signs and work zone flaggers save lives.
Don't tailgate Unexpected stops frequently occur in work zones.
Don't speed - Note the speed limits in and around the work zone. Here in New Mexico, fines are doubled for speeding in work zones.
Expect the unexpected Keep an eye out for workers and their equipment.
Be patient - Remember, the work zone crews are working to improve your future travels.
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