Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" (8' undesignated roads) Height: 14' Semi Trailer Length: 57' 6"' (non-designated Hwys: 65')
Weights: Single Axle: 21,000 lb. Tandem axle: 34,320 lb. Tridem: 34,320 lb. Max Gross Weight: 80,000 lb.
New Mexico Permit Department Contact Information
Fax: 505-827-0385
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mountain
Escort required for:
movement of all widths exceeding 14 feet, and may be required for widths
of less than 14 feet depending on the route.
An escort is required for the movement of all loads that exceed 90 feet in length.
Front and rear escorts are required on 18- foot wide loads that are being transported on two- lane highways.
Police escorts are required on all loads that are 20 feet or more in width.Front and rear escorts are required for loads that exceed 110 feet in length.
Maximum Legal Weights
Multiple Trip Permit are available for combination vehicles not exceeding the following dimensions:
If the driver does not present a valid IFTA Decal or License and the vehicle is special fuel powered:
A $5.00 TEMPORARY SPECIAL FUEL PERMIT fee will be assessed. The permit is valid for up to forty-eight (48) hours (or one entry and one exit of the state).
If the driver does not present a valid IFTA Decal and Tax Identification Permit:
A special fuel tax will be assessed. The tax is currently five cents ($.05) per mile, based on the miles to be operated in New Mexico.
Trip Tax
If the driver does not possess a valid Tax Identification Permit:
The trip tax will be assessed. The tax is based on miles to be operated in New Mexico and the total gross weight of the vehicle combination. The tax per mile is:
Gross Vehicle Weight: Tax Per Mile:
12,001 to 26,000 lbs. $0.07
26,001 to 54,000 lbs. $0.12
54,001 to 72,000 lbs. $0.15
72,001 and above $0.16
Vehicle Registration
All vehicles must have a valid registration document.
Driving an overweight commercial vehicle is considered a misdemeanor .
First Offense: $50
Second Offense: $250
Subsequent Offenses: $500
Overweight Fines
1,000 - 3,000 lb. $50.00
3,001 - 4,000 lb. $80.00
4,001 – 5,000 lb. $150.00
5,001 – 6,000 lb $250.00
6,001 – 7,000 lb $400.00
7,001 – 8,000 lb $550.00
8,001 – 9,000 lb $700.00
9,001 – 10,000 lb $850.00
10,001lb. – and over $1,000..00
Warning Lights
Towing vehicles pulling oversize loads that exceed 12′ wide may display an amber rotating flashing beacon atop the cab.
"Oversized Load" Banner
“Oversize Load” or “Wide Load” signs required on front of towing unit and on rear of load for any oversize, overweight or overweight only load.
Black letters on yellow background
Flag Requirements
Red or orange flags at front corners of tow vehicle and aft corners of the load
Sunrise to sunset, Monday through Saturday
Note: Overweight only can have continuous travel on Interstate and 4-lane highways; pilot car required.
Restrictions: Movement prohibited 7:00am-9:00am and 4:00pm-6:00pm in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Española.
Other restrictions may apply.
No travel on major holidays.
When permitted, every solid rubber tire on a vehicle must have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one-inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery. 2/32 inch is the minimum legal tread depth.
A person shall not operate or move on a highway a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer having any tire surface in contact with the roadway that is wholly or partly of metal or other hard non resilient material, except a snow tire with metal studs designed to increase traction on ice or snow.
Tire chains of reasonable proportions or snow tires with metal studs designed to increase traction on ice or snow upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid are permitted.
The Department of Public Safety may issue a special permit authorizing the movement of a vehicle with weight exceeding the State weight limits.
The permits are issued for a single trip or for 1 year, in the case of emergency, and may allow GVW up to 140,000 lbs. Vehicles with loads up to 96,000 lbs. and operating within 6 miles of the Mexico border are not required to demonstrate that the load is non-divisible.
Permits may be issued for the movement of manufactured homes, however State law imposes further restrictions on such permits (N.M. Stat. Ann. §66-7-413).
Any vehicles with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 170,000 lbs. shall require a special permit. An engineering review must be carried out in order for such a permit to be issued (N.M. Stat. Ann. §66-7-413.2).
Cost: $250
Time, it takes to receive: 1 weekTips to help you go through work zones safely and in the best possible way include:
Avoid distractions
Pay attention Signs
Follow Flagger's directions and instructions
Use a safe following distance
Observe construction zone speed limits. (In New Mexico, fines are doubled for speeding in work zones.)
Expect the unexpected. Be Alert for workers and their equipment.
Be patient
Single Trip Permit
Each permit is issued for a single trip and the permit may include a designated the route and contain other conditions or restrictions.
Every permit shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and shall be opened for inspection to any peace officer. It is a misdemeanor for a person to violate a condition or term of the special permit.
Special permits for a single trip for a vehicle or combination of vehicles or load thereon of excessive weight, width, length and height may be issued by the department of public safety for a single vehicle for a fee of $25 plus the product of $.025 for each 2000 lb. in excess of 86,400 lb. or major fraction thereof multiplied by the number of miles to be traveled by the vehicle or combination of vehicles on the highways.Maximum Limits: A permit shall not be issued for movement of a manufactured home whose width exceeds 18 feet with no more than a 6-inch roof overhang on the left side or 12 inches on the right side in addition to the 18-foot width of the manufactured home.
Self-issue permits: The secretary of public safety may by rule provide for movers of manufactured homes to self-issue permits for certain sizes of manufactured homes over specific routes. The cost of a permit shall not be less than $25.