Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
For All State Regulations, See:
Running time : Sunrise to sunset, Monday through Saturday (Note: overweight only can have continuous travel on Interstate and 4-lane hwys, pilot car required) Restrictions: Movement prohibited 7:00am-9:00am and 4:00pm-6:00pm in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Española. Other restrictions may apply. No travel on major holidays.
“Oversize Load” or “Wide Load” signs required on front of towing unit and on rear of load for any oversize, overweight or overweight only load. Size: 5' long, 1' high Lettering: Black 10" high, 1" brushstroke Background: Yellow
“Oversize Load” or “Wide Load” signs required on front of towing unit and on rear of load for any oversize, overweight or overweight only load.
Towing vehicles pulling oversize loads that exceed 12′ wide may display an amber rotating flashing beacon atop the cab.
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" (8' undesignated roads) Height: 14' Semi Trailer Length: 57' 6"' (non-designated Hwys: 65')
Calculate Oversize/Overweight Load Regulations and Prices Instantly with Oversize.ioNew Mexico Oversize / Overweight Permit Regulations
Maryland Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Nunavut Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Florida Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Iowa Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions