Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
For All State Regulations, See:
One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, including Saturday and Sunday. Travel is restricted for all over-dimensional permit vehicles on Holidays and Long Holidays. The specific hours of restriction for each Holiday/Long Holiday will be designated on each permit.
On loads more than 10 feet in width, signs stating “OVERSIZE LOAD” must be displayed to the front of the hauling vehicle and the rear of the load. Size"" 7' long, 18"" high Letters: Black, 10" high Background: yellow
On loads more than 12 feet in width, red flags, not less than 18 inches square, must be displayed on all four corners of the vehicle or vehicles.
A compliant light bar may be allowed in lieu of an escort vehicle on divided highways when stated in the permit.
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" Height: 14'"6" Semi Trailer Length: 53' Maximum Length: 90'
Calculate Oversize/Overweight Load Regulations and Prices Instantly with Oversize.ioNebraska Oversize / Overweight Permit Regulations
Maine Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Alaska Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Virginia Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Tennessee Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions