Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" Height: 14'"6" Semi Trailer Length: 53' Maximum Length: 90'
Weights: Single Axle: 20,000 lb. Tandem axle: 34,000 b. Tridem: 42,000 Max Gross Weight: 80,000 lb.
Nebraska Permit Department Contact Information
Fax: 402-479-4325
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central
Over 16' on interstate and non interstate roads requires a pole car.
*Note: The state reserves the right to attach additional escorts/pilot cars to any load that deem necessary. This means a load that is shorter may also need a pilot car.
Over 12' wide requires a escort/pilot car or may use a light bar if listed on the permit.
Over 16' wide requires a front and rear escort/pilot car
Non Interstate:
Over 12' wide requires a front escort/pilot car
Over 16' wide requires a front and rear escort/pilot car
Over 100' long 1 pilot/escort vehicle is required, or a light bar maybe be used instead if listed on the permit.
Over 150' long 2 pilot/escort vehicles are required for travel.
Non Interstate:
Over 100' long 1 rear pilot/escort vehicles are required.
Over 150' long 2 pilot/escort vehicles are required for travel.
Maximum Legal Weights
A Tandem Axle is defined as any two consecutive axles whose centers are more than 40" and not more than 96" apart, measured to the nearest inch between any two adjacent axles in the series.
Maximum Permit Weight AllowedNo permit shall authorize a weight greater than 20,000 lbs. on any Single Axle.
Conditional Interstate Use Permit
A permit issued for vehicles weighing up to 95,000 pounds on the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (Interstate). No vehicle may exceed 20,000 pounds on a Single Axle or 34,000 pounds on a Tandem Axle. The overall Gross Weight of a group of two or more consecutive axles must conform to the requirements of the Nebraska Bridge Formula.
A vehicle or vehicle combination transporting a non-divisible load that is in excess of any of the following dimensions or Gross Weight:
A superload permit application will require review and approval by the Lincoln Permit Office and may require review and/or approval by the Bridge Division and/or the District Engineer prior to issuance of the permit. Review and approval by Department staff may take up to five working days.
Harvest Permits are not authorized on Interstate Highway System:
Temporary Permit
Nebraska will issue temporary registration authority for a vehicle(s) to be added to an established fleet for a period of forty-five (45) days while apportioned registration is being processed. The carrier must be in good standing with the Department to be eligible for temporary authority. Temporary authority can be obtained from Motor Carrier Services 402-471-4435.
One temporary per unit will be issued at no fee. Temporary authorization will be faxed or e-mailed directly to the carrier.
Temporaries are granted for:
Fuel Permit
temporary decal/permit is valid for a period of thirty (30) days and
must be carried in the cab at all times, along with a copy of the IFTA
license. Failure to carry the temporary decal/permit may subject the
vehicle operator to purchase a trip permit and citation. To receive a
temporary permit contact Motor Carrier Services at 402-471-4435.
Oversize and Overweight Fines and Penalties
Any driver of a vehicle who refuses to stop and submit the vehicle and load to a weighing or who refuses, when directed by a peace officer or carrier enforcement officer upon a weighing of the vehicle, to stop the vehicle and otherwise comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor. Operators may be fined for either over axle or over gross, whichever is the greater.
Weight restrictions can vary according to the road. The civil penalty for each violation of this section is in an amount equal to twenty-five dollars ($25) for each one thousand pounds or fraction thereof in excess of the gross weight Additionally, operators may be fined separately if two axle groups are over. Court costs of $21 are added to each fine.
Note: Court costs of $21 are added to each fine.
Weight (percent in excess of maximum legal weight for the vehicle)
Over Weight (Percentage ) Fine
0 -5% $25
5 - 10% $75
10 - 15% $150
15 -20% $350
20 -25% $500
25 - 30% $750
30 - 35% $950
35 - 40% $1,150
40 - 45% $1,550
45 - 50% $2,000
Over 50% $2,500
"Oversized Load" Banner Regulations
On loads more than 10 feet in width, signs stating “OVERSIZE LOAD” must be displayed on the front of the hauling vehicle and on the rear of the load. Size" 7"' long, 18"" high Letters: Black, 10" high Background: yellow
Flag Requirements
On loads more than 12 feet in width, red flags, not less than 18 inches square, must be displayed on all four corners of the vehicle or vehicles.
Warning Lights
A compliant light bar may be allowed in lieu of an escort vehicle on divided highways when stated in the permit.
One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, including Saturday and Sunday. Travel is restricted for all over-dimensional permit vehicles on Holidays and Long Holidays.
The specific hours of restriction for each Holiday/Long Holiday will be designated on each permit.
Tire Chains of reasonable proportions are permissible on any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid. (Section 60-6, 250)
Studded Snow may be
used from November 1 to April 1.
No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on its periphery any clock, stud, flange, cleat, or spike or any other protuberance of any material other than rubber which projects beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire.
Maximum Dimensions:
$25 for 90 days up to 1 year
Time, it takes to receive: 1 business day
Mailing method: email or fax
Commodity specific? Truck specific
Need to obtain a route? No
Work Zone Safety Reminders
Work Zone Safety for Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV)
There are 2 types of permits for Manufactured Homes. Type 1st is for a dealer or "new" building. The 2nd is "pre owned" or used. You can get a single trip, multi month, or annual permit to move manufactured housing.