Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads

  • Instantly Determine Permit & Escort Costs
  • Calculate Max Legal/Permitted Axle Weights
  • Understand Equipment Limits
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Louisiana Oversize / Overweight Regulations

What is considered as "Oversized Load" in Louisiana?

"Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" Height: 14' Length: Any vehicle or combination: 65' Legal Overhang: Front: 4', Rear 8'.

What is considered as "Overweight Load" in Louisiana?

Weights: Single Axle: 20,000 lb. Tandem axle: 34,000 lb. Tridem: 42,000 lb. Max Gross Weight: 80,000 lb. Quadrum Axles: 50,000 lb. Max Gross Weight with Quadrum: 88,000 lb. (83,400 lb. on Interstates)

Louisiana Oversize / Overweight Permits

Louisiana Permit Department Contact Information


Fax: 225-377-7154

6:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central

Louisiana Pilot Cars / Escorts

Escort Requirements

Private Escorts 

1. Private escorts are required for all vehicles and loads: 

  • Over 12 feet wide and up to 16 feet wide 
  • Over 90 feet long and up to 125 feet long 

2. An escort vehicle may escort two overlength vehicles or loads, but only one overwidth vehicle or load.

3. All private escort vehicles must have a “LOUISIANA APPROVED ESCORT VEHICLE” permit.

There is a detailed list of requirements for escort vehicles and drivers.

State Police Escorts 

State Police escorts are required for all vehicles and loads: 

  • Over 16 feet wide on a two-lane highway
  • Over 16 feet wide on a multi-lane highway 
  • Over 125 feet in length and the load must be equipped with a steerable dolly. 

State Police escorts must be used for escorted loads that exceed the above dimensions on all state highways outside of municipality limits. 

Loads over 18 feet in height may require a front and rear state police escort. Loads over 18 feet in width will require a front and a rear state police escort. 

City Police Escorts 

Travel through metropolitan areas may require city or parish escorts and/or permits. Contact with city or parish authorities is the responsibility of the hauler for possible requirements and/or restrictions. 

Louisiana Axle Regulations

Maximum Legal Weight Allowed

The maximum legal axle weights on Interstate highways are:

  • Single Axle 20,000 pounds;
  • Tandem Axle 34,000 pounds;
  • Tridum Axle   42,000 pounds;
  • Quadrum Axle 50,000 pounds. 

Axle variance of 2,000 pounds for single axles and 3,000 pounds for tandem, tridum and quadrum axles are allowed on non-Interstate highways.

Therefore, the maximum legal weights on non-Interstate highways are:

  • Single Axle 22,000 pounds;
  • Tandem Axle 37,000 pounds;
  • Tridum Axle 45,000 pounds;
  • Quadrum Axle 53,000 pounds.

The maximum legal weight on a tire is: 650 pounds per inch width of tire

The maximum legal weight of of a vehicle, (except a combination with a tridum or quadrum axle) is: 80,000 pounds

The maximum legal gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles which has a tridum or quadrum axle is: 83,400 pounds (Interstate Highways); 88,000 pounds (Non-Interstate Highways).

Maximum licensed gross weight is equal to the maximum legal gross weight.

Axle Weight Distribution

Tandem Axles:

  1. On Interstate highways a tandem axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 20,000 pounds.
  2. On non-Interstate highways a tridum axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 21,500 pounds.

Tridem Axles

  1. On Interstate highways a tridum axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 16,000 pounds.
  2. On non-Interstate highways a tridum axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 17,000 pounds.

Quadrum Axles

  1. On Interstate highways a quadrum axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 14,500 pounds.
  2. On non-Interstate highways a quadrum axle group is properly distributed if none of the individual axles carries more than 15,500 pounds.

Maximum Permit Weights Allowed

Single Axle: 24,000 pounds if the gross vehicle weight is 120,000 pounds or less, but 20,000 pounds if the gross vehicle weight exceeds 120,000 pounds.

Tandem Axle group: 48,000 pounds if the gross vehicle weight is 120,000 pounds or less, but 40,000 pounds if the gross vehicle weight exceeds 120,000 pounds—45,000 pounds if the gross vehicle weight exceeds 120,000 pounds and the spread between axle groups is a minimum of 12 feet and the spread between tires in a group is a minimum of 4 feet.

Each Tandem Axle Group: 44,000 lb.

Each Tridum Axle Group: 60,000 lb.

Louisiana Trip and Fuel (IRP / IFTA) Permits


Vehicles that are registered in another state can operate on LA highways by either obtaining credentials from their state that indicate the vehicle has paid appropriate fees for the State of Louisiana or by obtaining a temporary permit that allows them to operate on Louisiana highways for forty-eight (48) continuous hours.

Forty-eight (48) hour trip permits are issued by the Louisiana State Police - DPS Weight Enforcement Division Port of Entry Scales, Office of Motor Vehicles (that process IRP) and wire service providers which have been pre-approved by the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Motor Vehicles.


Any truck that is properly registered in another state that does not have an apportioned license plate with the State of Louisiana indicated on the cab card is eligible for a forty-eight (48) hour trip permit.


  • Proof of current registration in base state.
  • $50 (certified funds, or cash if paying in person)

Louisiana Overweight / Oversize Fines

The owner or driver of any vehicle or combination of vehicles in violation of any rule, regulation, directive, or requirement of the secretary adopted pursuant to R.S. 32:380 through 385 or in violation of R.S. 32:380 through 385 shall be assessed a penalty of one hundred dollars for each violation.

Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than twenty-six thousand pounds shall be penalized one hundred dollars for failure to stop at a weight scale.

This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalties that may be assessed for other violations.

Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand pounds or more shall be penalized five hundred dollars for failure to stop at a weight scale. This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalties that may be assessed for other violations.

Fines for overweight values are:

Weight                                    Fine

1-999 lb.                                      $10.00 minimum

1,000 - 1,999 lb.                          0.01 per pound in excess of the legal limit

2,000 - 2,999 lb.                         0.02 per pound in excess of the legal limit

3,000 - 3,999 lb.                         0.03 per pound in excess of the legal limit

4,000 - 4,999 lb.                         0.04 per pound in excess of the legal limit

5,000 - 5,999 lb.                         0.05 per pound in excess of the legal limit

6,000 - 6,999 lb.                        0.06 per pound in excess of the legal limit

7,000 - 7,999 lb.                        0.07 per pound in excess of the legal limit

8,000 - 8999 lb.                         0.08 per pound in excess of the legal limit

9,000-9,999 lb.                          0.09 per pound in excess of the legal limit

10,000 - 10,999 lb.                   0.10 per pound in excess of the legal limit

11,000 - 11,999 lb                    0.11 per pound in excess of the legal limit

Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions

Warning Signs and Flags

"OVERSIZE LOAD": Warning signs are required on the front and back of all oversize loads. Size: 7' long, 18" high Letters Black, 10" high, 1.5" brushstroke Background: yellow

All flags shall be 18" square clean bright red flags on all four corners of the extremities of over width objects, and at the extreme ends of all protrusions, projections, or overhangs.

Warning Lights

During reduced visibilities (inclement weather): Two (2) amber lights, visible from front and sides, must be attached at the widest points on the front. If the over width part is at or near the rear of the vehicle, this light may be red and visible from front, side and rear.

On rear overhangs more than 4', 2 red lights [1 on each side] and 2 red reflectors must be visible from the rear, must indicate maximum width of the overlength or projecting part.

If the overlength or projecting part is two (2) feet wide or less, one (1) red light and one (1) red reflector is sufficient.

Flags, Lights and Banners

Hours of Operation
In general, permitted oversize load vehicles are prohibited from traveling at night--sunset to sunrise--and on certain designated holidays.

In the New Orleans area only, permitted vehicles may not cross any bridge spanning the Mississippi, or be within 2 miles of such bridge from 6:30 am to 9:00 am and 3:30pm to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday.

Other local travel restrictions may apply and should be part of the permit documentation.

Louisiana Tire Regulations

Wheels and Tires - Must have at least 2/32" of tread measured in any 2 adjacent major grooves. No knots, bulges, sidewall cracks or tread exposure allowed.

Restrictions as to tire equipment

A. Every solid rubber tire on a vehicle moved on any highway of this state shall have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery of the rim of the wheel.

B. No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on its periphery any protuberances of any material, other than rubber, which projects beyond the thread of the traction surface of the tire.

It is permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle, when required for safety because of conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid.

C. The department may issue emergency permission authorizing the operation upon the highways of traction engines or tractors having movable tracks with transverse corrugations upon their periphery, or farm tractors or other farm machinery or instruments of husbandry.

Note onTire Width: There’s no legal restriction on the width of the truck tires themselves, but they’re not allowed to extend beyond the fenders of the truck in virtually every state. One simple and perfectly legal way around this is to put fender flares on the truck that are wider than the truck tires. These are counted as part of the fender, so extremely wide tires are legitimate as long as they don’t stick out beyond the fenders.

Louisiana Annual Permits

Maximum Dimensions "The Envelope": 

  • Height 14 feet 4 inches 
  • Width 12 feet  
  • Length 90 feet
  • Overhang 25 feet
  • GVW 80,000 lbs. 

Loads with dimensions exceeding the envelope vehicle must obtain a separate oversize/overweight trip permit. Vehicles using this permit are prohibited from crossing bridges with a posted weight limit and from travel in restricted construction zones.

Vertical clearances will be the responsibility of the permittee.

Permits expire one year from the beginning movement date. The permit will be issued for the pulling unit and is non-transferable and non-refundable. Loads with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 108,000 pounds are required to have a truck/trailer combination of at least six (6) axles.

Vehicles with a valid permit are not prohibited from traveling at night, during moderate rain, or on holidays if the width and length are legal.

The agreement, application, and power of attorney form are available from the Truck Permit Office. Annual Overweight Permits are computer generated forms, and are embossed with a state seal. The original embossed permit must be carried in the vehicle for which it was issued. They may be obtained only from the Truck Permit Office.

These permits do not allow additional length for specialized hauling equipment (i.e. car haulers, boat haulers, dromedary units). The legal length of these types of equipment is 75 feet non-inclusive of a 3 foot front overhang and a 4 foot rear overhang.


Annual Oversize - $ 500

OS and OW $ 2500

Time, it takes to receive: 1 business day

Mailing method: Online/emailed

Louisiana Road Conditions

DOTD urges safe driving - There are many of projects underway in south Louisiana and state wide. Drivers are encouraged to slow down in work zones with an increased fine if a driver is caught speeding. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) wants to make sure drivers are paying attention behind the wheel, especially when they're in road construction zones. Louisiana DOTD advises drivers to be smart and abide the rules;

  • Watch out for workers
  • Stay focused
  • Buckle up
  • Use alternate routes when possible
  • Expect delays

Louisiana Manufactured Houses and Mobile homes

ANNUAL PERMITS are not allowed 

OVERSIZE PERMITS: ($10.00 day/trip) 

These permits are for vehicles and loads which exceed the legal limitation on length, width, height, or projecting loads. 

Exception: Overlength-only vehicle combinations, but not mobile homes, that haul loads of the same product all day may make more than one (1) trip per day. However, any change in destination or origin of the vehicle or load would require an additional $10.00 permit. If the vehicle or load is also overwidth or overheight, only one (1) trip per day can be made per permit. 

Exception: Mobile Homes that are oversize but not overweight will be issued an Oversize Permit for a consecutive seventy-two (72) hour permit with no extensions. 

Note: Oversize equipment that is being used to move an oversize load may use a single Oversize Permit to travel to the point where the commodity is picked up, travel to the load’s destination, and return to the point of origin when empty as long as the entire trip is on the same day and all the highways being used are shown on the permit. These permits are computer generated forms from the Truck Permit Office or by Web application.

Mobile Homes 

1. A mobile home being moved from a point of origin in Louisiana or any other point, whether in Louisiana or out-of-state, must have a valid Louisiana registration certificate. 

2. Mobile homes traveling to or through Louisiana are exempt from Louisiana registration if they are properly registered in their home state. 

3. Mobile homes being delivered by manufacturers to dealers are not required to be licensed, but an “IN-TRANSIT” sign must be displayed on the mobile homes.

Oversize / Overweight Regulations By State