When escort vehicles are required:
State Police Escorts
State Police escorts are required for all vehicles and loads:
- Over 16 feet wide on a two-lane highway
- Over 16 feet wide on a multi-lane highway
- Over 125 feet in length and the load must be equipped with a steerable dolly.
Escorts should be arranged at the troop nearest the movement.
State Police escorts must be used for escorted loads that exceed the above dimensions on all state highways outside of municipality limits.
Loads over 18 feet in height may require a front and rear state police escort. Loads over 18 feet in width will require a front and a rear state police escort.
City Police Escorts
Travel through metropolitan areas may require city or parish escorts and/or permits. Contact with city or parish authorities is the responsibility of the hauler for possible requirements and/or restrictions.
Private Escorts
1. Private escorts are required for all vehicles and loads:
- Over 12 feet wide and up to 16 feet wide
- Over 90 feet long and up to 125 feet long
2. An escort vehicle may escort two overlength vehicles or loads, but only one overwidth vehicle or load.
3. All private escort vehicles must have a “LOUISIANA APPROVED ESCORT VEHICLE” permit. This permit may be obtained from the Truck Permit Office. Companies domiciled outside of the state of Louisiana must pay a $10.00 fee for a “LOUISIANA APPROVED ESCORT VEHICLE” permit.
- All escort vehicles shall obtain an inspection at any Weights and Standards stationary scale location.
Escort vehicles requirements
Before any escort vehicle permit can be issued, the following requirements must be met.
- License: Proper Truck Tag or Automobile Tag
- PROOF OF INSURANCE WITH POLICY NUMBER: Liability - $100,000.00; Property Damage - $50,000.00.
- CLASS "D" OR "E" OPERATOR'S LICENSE (Louisiana residents only) (Department of Public Safety requirement)
- LIGHTS - Amber in color Dome - 360 degree visibility Lens - 9 inches in diameter, 4 inch vertical clearance (8 inch x 5 inch acceptable). Base (lens) of all lights must beat least 60 inches from roadway Bar Lights & Strobe Lights acceptable (360 degree). All lights front and rear must be operable (on when escorting)
- Two 18 inch square red fluorescent orange flags, 40-70 degree angle, atop vehicle on mast - not over 6 inch overhang of vehicle or exceed 8 feet in width - must be in line with lights(s
- DOOR SIGNS: Name and complete address or name, city, state, and telephone number; well known Company Logo acceptable, (permanent or semi-permanent)
- 10 pound Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher or equivalent 3 or more - 15 minute burning flares (Hazard Makers may be substituted) Two Red fluorescent orange hand held flags
- Four Red fluorescent orange 18 inch square flags, two Oversize Load Signs, 18 inches x 7 feet, with Black lettering on Yellow background - lettering to be 10 inches x 1 Yz inch, must read "oversize load" (these are available for the load-not required to be mounted on the escort vehicle)
- INFORMATION SIGN, in addition to the above requirements, is acceptable.
Closed vans (stepside), buses, campers, motor homes, and motor driven cycles are not acceptable as escort vehicles. A vehicle that has all of the above listed equipment (in proper working order) may escort until which time it crosses a Stationary Scale. At that time the escort will be inspected and issued the permit without being assessed a penalty. At no time may the escort vehicle pull a trailer or tow another vehicle.
Source of information: http://perba.dotd.louisiana.gov/welcome.nsf/RegBook2013.pdf
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