Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
The department of public safety may issue annual permits for overweight non-divisible loads. Under such permits, the GVW shall not exceed 120,000 lbs. The permits may be issued as transferrable among vehicles or non-transferrable (Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 47, §14-103G). The transportation commission is authorized to formulate rules governing the movement of vehicles exceeding State weight limits, providing a basis for issuing permits by the Commissioner of public safety, and publishes the Oklahoma Load Limit Map. This map shows the maximum size and weight limits of various highways structures and bridges. The Commissioner of public safety has the authority to issue special permits to operate vehicles exceeding State weight limits (Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 47, §14-118).
Cost: Special Purpose Annual Oversize $ 10.00 / Overweight $ 60.00
Time, it takes to receive: 1 business day
Mailing method: online
Commodity specific? Truck specific
Need to obtain a route? No
Source of information:
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