Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
Escort vehicles are required to accompany permitted vehicles under the guidelines in this paragraph. Escort vehicles will be at least the size of a compact size car or larger. The drivers of escort vehicles will maintain visual and two-way radio contact with the permitted vehicle at all times. When one escort is required, it shall precede a load on undivided highways and follow the load on divided highways. Following is a description of escort vehicle requirements. Escort vehicle requirements will be generally the same on both four-or-more lane divided highways and on two-lane roads on the designated system as follows:
No escort is required for overall width less than 12 feet. One escort vehicle is required for overall width of between 12 feet and 14 feet, 6 inches. Two escort vehicles are required for over 14 feet, 6 inches.
No escort vehicle is required for overlength of less than 80 feet. One escort is required for overlength between 80 feet and 90 feet. Two escort vehicles are required for over 90 feet.
No escort vehicle is required if overhang is less than 15 feet with proper flags displayed. One escort vehicle is required if the overhang is 15 feet or more. There may be some special circumstances where a second escort vehicle will be required for overhangs due to safety reasons, but such occurrences are anticipated to be infrequent. One example in which two escorts will be required is when the overhang is 15 feet or more to the rear, on a two (2) -lane, undivided highway, where the width is 12 feet or more.
Two escorts are required with police escort from each city or town where move will travel.
Two escorts are required for intrastate moves of width 12 and over.
Sign: The wording for the sign will be: OVERSIZE LOAD. The sign size will be as follows:
Lights: For Escort Vehicles - flashing yellow lights shall be in operation above the highest point of the vehicle and visible from the front and rear. Escort vehicles will also travel with low beam headlights on at all times.
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