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Rhode Island DOT Regulations for Oversize/Overweight Load Flags/Banners/Signs/Lights, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions

For All State Regulations, See:

Rhode Island Oversize / Overweight Regulations

Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions

No moves are authorized unless otherwise noted from sunset on Friday to sunrise on Monday or the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Victory Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is also restricted as a holiday; and if the holiday falls on Saturday, the previous Friday is restricted as a holiday after 12:00 noon. If a holiday falls during the week, travel is allowed up to 12:00 noon on the day before the holiday.

"Oversized Load" Banner Regulations and Requirements

All over width loads will have an "OVERSIZE LOAD" banner on the front and rear of the vehicle or load. Size: Not less than 7', 18" high Letters: Black, 10" high, 1.25 brush stroke Background: Yellow

Flag Requirements

All over-width loads require 18'-square red or orange fluorescent flags. At least two and up to six flags to be attaches the extremities of the load. Overhang of more than 4' to be marked with one or two flags (two if wider than 2')

Warning Lights: Color and Placement

No special lighting is required on load vehicles, however, load vehicles will travel with low beam headlights on at all times.

Source of Information:

State of Rhode Island Manual for Overweight and Oversize Vehicle Permits

What is considered as "Oversized Load" in Rhode Island?

Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" (8' on other roads) Height: 13' 6" Semi Trailer Length: 56' Maximum Length: 80' Overhang: Rear 6'

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