Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
One rear escort vehicle shall be required for the transportation of any vehicle/load with an overall length in excess of 90 feet.
One lead (rear on multiple lane highways) escort vehicle shall be required for the transportation of any vehicle/load with an overall width in excess of 13 feet.
One lead escort vehicle equipped with a height sensing device shall be required for the transportation of any vehicle/load with an overall height in excess of 14 feet 6 inches.
One lead and one rear escort shall be required on any vehicle or vehicle/load with an overall width in excess of 14 feet 6 inches.
One lead and one rear escort shall be required on any vehicle or vehicle/load with an overall height in excess of 14 feet 10 inches.
One lead and one rear escort shall be required on any vehicle or vehicle/load, if more than one of the conditions set forth above are met (for example, a load exceeding 13 feet in width and 90 feet in length). Lead escort vehicle, when required, is to proceed 500 feet in advance of permit vehicle/load. Rear escort vehicle, when required, is to follow 500 feet in back of permit vehicle/load.
Escort Vehicle - Escort vehicles, when required by a Special Hauling Permit to accompany an overdimensional or overweight vehicle or vehicle/load, shall be required to display a warning sign, yellow with black letters, reading "OVERSIZE LOAD." The sign shall be 5 feet long by 12 inches high with 8 inch high letters. Escort vehicles shall also be required to maintain radio communication with the operator of the permit vehicle and shall also be required to be equipped with a roof mounted amber flashing or rotating light(s) of such intensity as to be clearly seen at a minimum distance of 1,000 feet in normal daylight conditions. A private escort vehicle may be a passenger sedan, station wagon, open van type vehicle, or two-axle open panel or pickup truck having a rated capacity of not more than one ton. Sport cars, convertibles, and other novelty vehicles will not be allowed.
The vehicle shall be in good mechanical condition and carry at least one mounted spare tire.
The vehicle shall have no less than one rear view mirror on each side.
All standard vehicle lighting must be in operating order; the head lights must be on during movement.
Driver Requirements - An escort vehicle driver must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver's license issued by the state in which the escort vehicle is registered.
The driver of the escort vehicle is to act as a flagman when needed.
A police escort vehicle may be specifically required and so stated on the permit for any movement which, in the opinion of the Hauling Permits Office, may result in the high probability of delay or hazard to the traveling public or damage to highway or street facilities.
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