Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
For All State Regulations, See:
Travel with vehicles and/or loads which are overwidth or overlength or overheight shall be restricted to daylight hours and movement shall be made between thirty (30) minutes before sunrise to thirty (30) minutes after sunset. Loads over 10’ 6” wide or over 100' long or in excess of 108,000 lb. must follow the week end and holiday restrictions: no movement on any Saturday, Sunday, any Friday afternoon between July 1 and Labor Day, or on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Oversize load signs are required on all vechicles/loads over 8'6" width, 13'6" height and 75' length. This sign shall be at least 7’ long by 18” high with yellow background and black lettering. Letters shall be at least 10” high with a 1¼” brush stroke. The sign shall be made of durable material that will not be affected by inclement weather and be kept in legible condition. It shall read "OVERSIZE LOAD". A similar sign that is allowed in other states will be accepted. The sign must be securely attached to the front most portion and rear most portion of the load or vehicle. The sign must be covered or removed when not making an oversize move. If a load consists of an over length object such as a pole or beam, the sign need not be 7’ long but must be of a sufficient size to clearly display the same size lettering as described above.
Flags are required on all oversize loads. The flag must be bright or fluorescent red or orange and have a minimum size of 18” x 18”. They shall be displayed on all four corners (or as close as practicable) of all loads or vehicles that exceed the legal dimensions. Flags shall be in such condition as to be easily distinguished from a reasonable distance. All warning flags shall be secured by at least one corner or mounted on a staff.
1. Over Width Loads: At least 4 flags mounted at the corners of the vehicle if the vehicle is oversize and at the corners of the load if the load is oversize. In cases of irregular shaped loads such additional flags as may be necessary to mark the widest extremities of the load.
2. Over length loads or loads with rear or front end overhang in excess of 4’ shall display one flag at the end of the overhang if less than 2’ wide and 2 flags if the overhang is 2’ wide or more.
Lights are required on projecting loads per 49 CFR 393.11, Footnotes 9 &10.
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" Height: 13' 6" Single vehicle: 46' Truck-trailer combo:75' Overhang: Front 3', and rear: 6'
Vermont Oversize / Overweight Permit Regulations
Vermont Frost Laws And Seasonal Restrictions
Mississippi Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
North Carolina Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Florida Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Quebec Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions