Automated RFQ’s

Organize and automate your incoming RFQ's using your custom quoting framework. 

  • Set specific rules and restrictions for individuals or teams to automate ODOW quotes and reviews
  • Implement a framework to guide, correct, and counsel your team on optimizing ODOW quotes 
  • Duplicate the experience of your most productive reps by implementing a framework your entire team can follow with the final touch and approval of your managers  

More Features

Lane Analysis

Compare past quotes within a specific origin radius to see previous pricing, contacts, and pertinent info. 

Max Axle Weight Calculator

A calculator that instantly determines your axle groupings and their maximum allowable weights in every state or province along your route

Mobile Integration

Mobile Integration

Instant Oversize / Overweight Costs and Regulations

Standardize and streamline your oversize/overweight processes and operations.

Automate your quote calculations, setup manager supervision and allow everyone in your company to receive and quote oversize/overweight loads in seconds.

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