Lane Analysis

Compare past quotes within a specific origin radius to see previous pricing, contacts, and pertinent info. 

  • Examine past rates at a glance to help influence real time rate decisions during negotiations 
  • Conveniently placed past quotes for easy access to past notes, documents, or critical contacts associated with the lane
  • Analytics that show lane performance and profitability to aid you in making the best decisions for your personnel and equipment  

More Features

Custom Cost Calculator

A custom calculator that allows to you to input base rates, rules, and modifiers to produce an accurate quote instantly

Permit & Escort Cost Calculator

An instantaneous calculator that shows all required permits and escorts for states and provinces along your route

Mobile Integration

Mobile Integration

Instant Oversize / Overweight Costs and Regulations

Standardize and streamline your oversize/overweight processes and operations.

Automate your quote calculations, setup manager supervision and allow everyone in your company to receive and quote oversize/overweight loads in seconds.

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