What is considered as "Oversized Load" in Yukon?
Legal Limits
2.6 Meters Wide
25 Meters Long
4.5 Meters Long
What is considered as "Overweight Load" in Yukon?
- Single-Unit Vehicle - 12,000 kg (26,455 lb.)
- Two-Unit Vehicle - 22,000 kg (48,511 lb.)
- Multi-Trailer Vehicle - 31,000 kg. (68,343 lb.)
Yukon Oversize / Overweight Permits
Yukon Permit Department Contact Information
Escort Vehicle Requirements
When a vehicle is being driven under the authority of an overdimensional permit and the widest part of the vehicle is:
(a) more than 2.6 metres wide, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices:
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle, and
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.
(b) more than 3.04 meters wide, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices:
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway at not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m, and
- “Over-dimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle.
(c) more than 3.2 meters wide, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices and be escorted as follows
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “Over-dimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle, and
- one escort vehicle traveling in front of the over-dimensional vehicle.
(d) more than 3.8 meters wide, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices and be escorted as follows
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “over-dimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle, and
- two escort vehicles, one traveling in front of and one traveling at the rear of the over-dimensional vehicle.
(e) more than 4.9 m. wide, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices and be escorted as follows
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “over-dimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle,
- two escort vehicles, one traveling in front of and one traveling at the rear of the over-dimensional vehicle, and
- a Yukon Government Carrier Compliance vehicle, if required by the over-dimensional permit.
When a vehicle is being driven under the authority of an over-dimensional permit and the length of the vehicle is
(a) more than 25 meters long, the vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.
more than 27.5 meters long, the vehicle shall be equipped with the
following warning devices as specified in Schedule 3 and be escorted as
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “over-dimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle, and
- one escort vehicle traveling at the rear of the over-dimensional vehicle.
more than 36 m. long, the vehicle must be equipped with the following
warning devices and a manned steering trailer and be escorted as
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle,
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “overdimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle,
- two escort vehicles, one traveling in front of and one traveling at the rear of the overdimensional vehicle, and
- a
manned steering trailer to be equipped with windshield, windshield
wipers and washers, heater and defrost system, and two way radio
When a vehicle is operating under the authority of an overdimensional permit and the height
of the vehicle is such that overhead wires must be moved, the vehicle
shall be equipped with the following warning devices and be escorted as
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle, and
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “overdimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle,
- one escort vehicle traveling in front of the overdimensional vehicle.
When a vehicle is being driven under the authority of an overdimensional permit with respect to load extension and the front projection
is more than 3 metres beyond the kingpin or more than 6.5 metres beyond
the vehicle turn center to the front of the vehicle, or the rear
projection is more than 6.5 metres from the center of the rear axle, the
vehicle shall be equipped with the following warning devices and be
escorted as follows
- one or more 360 degree amber warning lights mounted on top of the transporting vehicle, and
- square
red flags during daylight or clearance lights when required to provide
visibility if atmospheric conditions are such that objects on the
highway are not plainly visible at a distance of 90 m.,
- “overdimensional” signs mounted on both the front and rear of the transporting vehicle,
- one escort vehicle traveling in front of the overdimensional vehicle.
a vehicle is operating under the authority of an overdimensional permit
for any combination of length, width, and height, or load extension,
the highest level of warning devices and escort vehicle requirements is
The permit may
specify conditions requiring additional warning devices, escort
vehicles, or the presence of an officer, or specify the route of travel,
or restrict the period of travel to particular days or hours of the day
for reasons of public safety.
Legal Weight Allowed
All Yukon Secondary roads are 100
percent legal axle loading.
Canol Road:
Gross Vehicle Weight limit in effect
- 48,000 kg. (105,822 lb.) No overweight vehicles allowed.
Canol Road:
Gross Vehicle Weight limit in effect
- 41,000 kg. (90,390 lb.) No overweight vehicles allowed.
Gross Vehicle Weight allowed without conditions:
- Single-Unit Vehicle - 12,000 kg (26,455 lb.)
- Two-Unit Vehicle - 22,000 kg (48,511 lb.)
- Multi-Trailer Vehicle - 31,000 kg. (68,343 lb.)
under supervision, and following the travel conditions specified below, the
Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight may be increased to:
- Single-Unit Vehicle - 19,000 kg (41,887 l.)
- Two-Unit Vehicle - 34,000 kg (74,957 lb.)
- Multi-Trailer Vehicle - 47,000 kg. (103,617 lb.)
Conditions - Maximum Axle Weight for all vehicles:
- Single Axle - 7,000 kg (15,432 lb.)
- Tandem Axle - 13,000 kg (28,660 lb.)
- Tridem Axle - 17,000 kg.(37,478 lb.)
Permit Weight Allowed
maximum weights allowed on axles that are below minimum spacing requirements.
Taking the example above where the legal weight on the drivers plus the single
axle has been reduced from 27,900 (61,508 lb.) kg to 25,900 kg (57,099 lb.)
a Tandem to a Single Axle combination or a Tandem to Tandem Axle combination
you would calculate the maximum weight allowed by multiplying the reduced
weight 25,900 kg (57,099 lb.)
- x 1.2 = 31,080 kg (68519 lb.)
which would be the maximum weight allowed.
- On a Tridem to a Tandem or a
Single Axle you would calculate by multiplying the reduced weight x 1.15
to get the maximum weight allowed.
On the Permit you would enter these combined
weights as a single weight. For example, 25,900 kg (57,099 lb.)would cover
legal and 31,080 would cover maximum for the above example and these are the
weights that would be entered - 17,900 (39,462 lb.) and 10,000 (22,406 lb.) would
not appear on the permit unless the unit was overweight on one set of axles.
Then, it would be whichever is greater as it is with all permits.
Trip Fuel Permit (STP)
- Applies to any inter-provincial carrier or through
carrier that does not have an annual fuel permit must prepay the Yukon
fuel taxes by purchasing an STP for each trip into or through Yukon;
- Is recommended for companies that do 3 trips
or less per month, or for those companies that prefer this option over an
annual fuel permit;
- Must be purchased upon arrival at Yukon
Highways and Public Works weigh stations at either Watson Lake or
- Costs four cents per estimated kilometre
to be traveled in Yukon;
- Required if fuel is purchased while in Yukon, Yukon
fuel taxes have in effect been paid twice, and a refund may be obtained, and...
- An STP refund form (FOT Application 7A) can be
obtained at the weigh stations. The form can also be found on the Finance
website at: www.gov.yk.ca/forms/forms/2000/yg2348_e.pdf;
- Upon submittal of an STP refund form, a copy
of the STP, and copies of Yukon receipts, the lesser of the fuel taxes or
the cost of the permit will be refunded by the Department of Finance;
- The deadline for filing for STP refunds is 6
years after the date of the STP;
- If no fuel is purchased while in Yukon,
there is no further paperwork to be filed;
Fuel (oil user) Permit
- is recommended for companies that do more
than 3 trips per month into or through Yukon;
- annual permits can be obtained through Yukon
Department of Finance;
- a $300.00 bond must be posted for an annual
- a bond is held for life of permit and will
be refunded upon voluntary cancellation if the permit is in good standing;
- quarterly fuel tax returns and any fuel
taxes due are required to be submitted to the Department of Finance no
later than the 25th day of the month for the preceding calendar quarter;
- refund of Yukon litre credit may be claimed
when a litre credit reaches 5,000 litres or December 31st;
- a list of active annual fuel permit holders
is forwarded regularly from the Department of Finance to the Department of
Highways and Public Works weigh stations;
- emblems are provided to annual fuel permit
holders by the Yukon weigh stations upon the first trip through the Yukon
and annually on April 1st (for permits in good standing).
View the Fuel Oil
Tax Act and Regulations at the following link: www.gov.yk.ca/legislation/legislation/page_f.html
Operation Permit
The permit may be
issued for personal vehicles or empty commercial trucks having no valid
registration (i.e. a license plate from any jurisdiction). Proof of ownership
and valid insurance must be provided.
The Temporary
Operation Permit can be valid for up to a maximum of 10 days. The expiry date
of the permit must not be after the expiry date of vehicle insurance.
Permit Cost is
Any officer may
require the owner or operator of a vehicle that is being operated on a highway
to submit the vehicle to examination and tests to ensure that the motor vehicle
can be operated in compliance within applicable statutes.
No person shall
drive a vehicle with a load in, on, or attached to the vehicle on a highway
unless the person has done what is reasonable to secure that type of load in
the prevailing highway and weather conditions, so that the load or any part of
the load remains in, on, or attached to the vehicle.
A person who fails
to do properly secure a load or allows a portion of that load to fall off of
the vehicle or be a hazard to any other highway user commits an offense.
A person who is
guilty of an offense under this Act or the regulations for which a penalty is
not otherwise provided is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more
than $500 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months without the
option of a fine.
A person who is
guilty of an offense (a) for a first offense, to a fine of not more than $200,
and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days: and
(b) for any subsequent offense, to a fine of not more than $500 or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 60 days or to both fine and imprisonment.
Warning Lights and Placement
360 degrees Amber Warning Light (one or more): Visibility -
Minimum 300 m in all directions; Lens Diameter - Minimum 12 cm at a height of
10 cm above base; Flashing Rate - 60 to 90 flashes per minute; Location - Top
of cab on both sides of over dimensional vehicle, no less than 1.5 m above
Clearance Lights: color - Red or amber. Location - Firmly mounted
at all four corners, extremities or protrusions of over dimensional load. Red
on rear, amber on front. Visibility - Firmly mounted at all four corners,
extremities or protrusions of over dimensional load. Red on rear, amber on
Load" Banner Regulations and Requirements
banner of 240 cm to 245 cm wide by 30 cm high should be mounted on the over
dimensional vehicle such that wording is clearly legible from both the front
and rear. Letters: 20 cm high. Material: retro reflective.
Flag Requirements
vehicles should have a fluorescent red or orange flag of minimum 40 cm on each
side, made of fabric or flexible plastic. The flag should be firmly mounted at
all corners, extremities or protrusions of over dimensional load.
is allowed on holidays unless stated otherwise on the permit.
All of the tires,
including the spare tire, should have plenty of original tread and no bald
spots. Each tire should be inflated to the same pressure, as well as balanced
and aligned. Chains are not required for travel in Yukon in winter, but
they are recommended to have on hand in case of emergency. There must be
minimum clearances between the tires and the vehicle’s fenders, suspension,
struts, brake lines to ensure that there is no unwanted contact between chains
and/or vehicle components. Tire chains should be installed on the drive wheels
of the vehicle according to manufacturer’s instructions. Tires need more than 4
mm (5/32 of an inch) of tire tread for winter driving. Tire width should be
445mm or greater.
- Tires filled
with air will lose 1 PSI (pounds per square inch) for every 5 degree drop in
- Under or
over inflated tires will not perform properly.
Studded tires
have no restrictions and can be used anytime throughout the winter.
No information was found for annual permits.
These are the guidelines while driving
through a construction / work zone;
Be a thinking driver
Make good decisions;
– plan your driving
– predict the scene
– think for yourself
You’re responsible for the safety of
your passengers.
No published info.