When escort vehicles are required:
WIDTH (#1)
Exceeds 12'
(on 2 and 3 lane roads)
WIDTH (#1)
Exceeds 14'
(on 2 and 3 lane roads)
Front and Rear
WIDTH (#1)
Exceeds 14'
(on 4 or more lane roads)
WIDTH (#1)
Exceeds 16'
(on 4 or more lane roads)
Front and Rear
Exceeds 15'6''
with clearance pole
LENGTH (#1 & #2)
Exceeds 110'
Exceeds 25' in front
Exceeds 25' in rear
• Note #1: Vehicles exceeding 8’, 6” wide or 70’ long are prohibited on some roads or may require pilot cars on Prohibited Routes for Over-Width and Over-Length Vehicles.
• Note #2: Up to 120’ with some steerable trailers.
• Note #3: Overhang is any portion of the load that extends beyond the front edge of the truck or truck-tractor or beyond the rear edge of the truck or trailer. Unless otherwise specified, overhang is the sum of both the front and rear overhang.
General Pilot cars Requirements
1. Pilot cars must be furnished by the permittee as set forth in the permit and in accordance with this section. A pilot car must be either a passenger car or a truck with not more than two axles, a manufacturer’s gross weight rating of not more than 16,000 pounds and a width of at least 60 inches and must not exceed the legal limits of size and weight.
2. The operator of a pilot car shall maintain sufficient distance from the escorted vehicle depending on the speed, traffic, road and weather conditions to allow for timely and safe notification of the driver of the escorted vehicle and other drivers to stop, slow or pass as necessary. If an escorted vehicle is required, pursuant to NAC 484D.640, to stop off the roadway to allow other traffic to pass, the operator of the pilot car shall:
- Assist the driver of the escorted vehicle to stop the vehicle as far off the roadway as practicable; and
- Direct traffic in order to maintain safe and efficient traffic movement.
3. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2:
A pilot car must precede an escorted vehicle if:
- The overhang of the load exceeds 25 feet in front of the vehicle;
- The height of the load exceeds 15 feet 6 inches;
- The width of the load exceeds 12 feet and travel is on a highway with two or three lanes; or
- The width of the load exceeds 16 feet.
- If the height of the load exceeds 15 feet 6 inches, the pilot car must also be equipped with a clearance pole.
A pilot car must follow an escorted vehicle if:
- The overhang of the load exceeds 25 feet behind the vehicle;
- The length of the load exceeds 110 feet or, if the vehicle is equipped with one or more mechanically steered rear axles, 120 feet; or
- The width of the load exceeds 14 feet.
4. The permittee shall ensure that pilot cars are properly equipped and that the operators of the pilot cars required pursuant to the provisions of the permit are briefed and trained as to their responsibilities. Failure of the operators to warn and direct traffic properly is a violation of the permit.
5. A pilot car must not be loaded or equipped in any manner that impairs its traffic safety function or public recognition of its traffic safety function. Each pilot car must be equipped with:
- For a lead pilot car for a load over 15 feet 6 inches in height, a clearance pole.
- Signs, visible in the front and rear, with black letters that are at least 10 inches high of 1 5/8-inch minimum stroke on a yellow background. The signs must read “OVERSIZE LOAD” or “OVERSIZE” and must be mounted above the roofline. The signs must be neat, clean and mounted securely. The signs must be displayed while escorting a vehicle and be removed promptly upon the arrival of the escorted vehicle at its final destination.
- Two flashing or rotating amber lights mounted above the roofline to either side of the “OVERSIZE LOAD” or “OVERSIZE” sign or one flashing or rotating amber light mounted above the roofline which is visible from a minimum of 500 feet in all directions. The permittee must obtain the appropriate permit for the amber lights from the Nevada Highway Patrol pursuant to NRS 484D.185.
- An identification placard fixed to each side of the pilot car which is visible from 50 feet during the day and which states the name and telephone number of the individual or company providing the pilot car service.
- A standard 18-inch, two-sided “STOP” and “SLOW” sign attached to a pole 5 feet in length.
- A minimum of three bidirectional emergency reflective triangles and three orange road cones which must be at least 18 inches in height.
- At least one 5-pound BC fire extinguisher.
- A hardhat and high-visibility safety apparel to be worn by persons whenever operating outside of the vehicle. The hardhat and high-visibility safety apparel must meet the requirements set forth in ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear, which are hereby adopted by reference. A copy of ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear may be obtained from the International Safety Equipment Association, 1901 North Moore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209, for the price of $60.
- A two-way radio that is compatible with the radios of the other assigned pilot cars and the escorted vehicle.
6. The operator of a pilot car must:
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Possess a valid driver’s license; and
- Have been certified by completing a current instructional course specific to flagger requirements and procedures.
Source of information: https://www.nevadadot.com/doing-business/commercial-vehicles/commercial-vehicle-permits/escort-information-and-guidelines
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