Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
For any permitted load whose length exceeds 75' but is less than or equal to 100' a rear escort/amber light is required.
For any permitted load whose length exceeds 100' but is less than or equal to 125' a vehicle rear escort is required.
For any permitted load whose length is greater than 125' a vehicle front and vehicle rear escort is required.
For any permitted load whose height is 15' 6" or greater a vehicle front escort with a height sensor is required.
For any permitted load whose width exceeds 12' but is less than or equal to 14'8" a vehicle front escort and a rear escort/amber light is required for travel on a 2 lane roadway. A vehicle rear escort is required for the same permitted load to travel on a 4-lane highway. For travel on a Limited Access Highway/Interstate System a rear escort/amber light is required.
For any permitted load whose width exceeds 14' 8" up to and including 16' shall require a vehicle front escort and a vehicle rear escort for movement upon a 2-lane roadway. A vehicle rear escort is required for movement of the same permitted load on a Limited Access Highway/Interstate System.
For permitted loads whose width exceeds 16' or for loads not defined above, the department shall determine escort requirements on a case by case basis.
Houses will require a police front escort and a police rear escort.
Signs are required on all escorts and vehicle transporting loads requiring a permit. Sign must have black letters on a yellow or orange background. Letters must be at least eight inches high and four inches wide.
The sign must be at least six feet wide by one foot tall, and read "OVERSIZE LOAD". One sign must be displayed on the front of the towing vehicle and one sign on the rear of the trailer as well as, the front escort and the rear escort vehicles when required. Additionally, all mobile homes must have a sign which contains the name and telephone number of the mover and must be legible from a distance of 50 feet. "Oversize load" signs must be removed when load/vehicle is legal.
Red flags, 18 inches square must be displayed on all four corners of the load and all extremities.
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