Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
Escort vehicles shall be provided for oversize/overweight moves in order to enhance the safety of the traveling public, enhance the safety of the people involved in the movement of the over dimensional load and to prevent damage to the State's highway system. Individual escort vehicle requirements are outlined below and are summarized in Table 4.1:
Escort vehicle(s) shall be a single unit non-permitted vehicle, no smaller than a compact car. The escort vehicle shall not be attached to any other vehicle.
Escort vehicle(s) shall escort only one oversize vehicle or load. More restrictive conditions may be required on high volume highways or when the lane width is less than 12 feet.
One escort vehicle is required for vehicles and loads more than 12 feet in width but not exceeding 14 feet. The escort vehicle shall be behind an over width vehicle or load on a multilane highway, and in front of an over width vehicle or load on a two-lane highway.
Two escort vehicles are required for vehicles and loads more than 14 feet in width. One escort vehicle shall be in front of the over width vehicle or load and one behind. A separate state police escort (third escort) is required for vehicles and loads more than 15 feet in width.
Vehicles and loads 85 feet or more in overall length are required to have one rear escort vehicle. Vehicles and loads one 100 feet or more in overall length are required to have two escorts, one in front, and one in the rear. Vehicles and loads one hundred 120 feet or more in length are required to have a separate state police escort (third escort).
Two escort vehicles are required for vehicles and loads 15' or more in height. One escort vehicle shall be in front of the over height vehicle or load and one behind. A separate state police escort (third escort) is required for vehicles and loads 17' 6" or more in height.
Vehicles and loads with a rear overhang of 15 feet or more shall have one rear escort unless the permit specifies otherwise.
Two escort vehicles, one in front and one behind the oversize vehicle, are required when previous paragraphs separately require one escort in the front and one behind for multiple conditions.
Two escort vehicles are required for vehicles and loads over 120,000 lbs. weight. One escort vehicle shall be in front of the overweight vehicle or load and one behind. A separate state police escort (third escort) is also required.
A single Delaware State Police escort can escort up to a maximum of two loads in a single move if the loads are moved at the same time, other required escorts are available as stated above, and communication is present between the loads.
Vehicles and loads that are only overweight or are 12 feet or less in width and that cannot move freely with the flow of traffic may be subject to escort requirements.
Escort vehicles shall have visual contact with the permitted vehicle and have two-way radio communication with the driver of the permitted vehicle.
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