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South Carolina DOT Regulations for Oversize/Overweight Load Flags/Banners/Signs/Lights, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions

For All State Regulations, See:

South Carolina Oversize / Overweight Regulations

Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions

Up to 12 Feet wide: All loads up to 12 feet wide allowed to travel 1/2 hour after sunrise to 1/2 hour before sunset Monday through Saturday. All loads over 12 feet wide up to 15 feet wide traveling in proximity to large urban areas must pause 7am - 9am and 3pm - 6 pm on school days and 4:30-6pm one non-school day. All loads over 15' wide travel only Monday - Saturday between the hours of 9am and 3pm on school days, and until 4pm other days. 

Sunday & Holiday Travel Restrictions: NO travel shall be allowed on Sunday, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day OR from 12:00 noon the day before a holiday until 12:00 noon the day after each holiday (not including Sunday), except upon written approval from the Department. 

"Oversized Load" Banner Regulations and Requirements

On all loads and mobile homes 12 feet wide or wider the permittee shall provide signs on the front and rear of the load reading WIDE LOAD or OVERSIZE LOAD with letters 12 inches high and at least 1 1/2 inches wide. Letters: Black, 12" high, 1.5" brushstroke.

Flag Requirements

Any motor vehicle having a load or vehicle component which extends beyond the sides more than 4 inches or 4 feet or more beyond the rear shall have the extremities of the load marked with a red flag, not less than 12 inches square. On all loads and mobile homes 12 feet wide or wider red flags must be displayed at each outer four corners of the load. 

Warning Lights: Color and Placement

For loads provide a rotating amber beacon or strobe light on the rear of the load or mobile home in excess of 12 feet wide up to and including 14 feet wide at a location readily visible to following traffic. On any load over 14', up to 16' wide, a rotating amber beacon or strobe light is required on each outer rear corner of the load.

Source of Information:

South Carolina DOT, Oversize/Overweight Permits

What is considered as "Oversized Load" in South Carolina?

Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" Height: 13' 6" route survey Max Undivisible Load: 125' Maximum Length: 75' Overhang: Rear 15 (trailer less than 48'; 10' (on trailers up 53')

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