Simplify Your Oversize/Overweight Loads
For All State Regulations, See:
Travel is permitted 24/7 in Kentucky unless specified otherwise on the permit. There are NO holiday travel restrictions. Travel is restricted between 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday in Boone, Campbell, Fayette, Jefferson, and Kenton Counties.
However, this DOES NOT APPLY for mobile homes. Mobile homes are allowed daylight hours only Monday through Saturday with no travel permitted on Sunday.
An "OVERSIZE LOAD" warning sign is required on the front and back of all oversize loads. Size: 6' to 8' wide Letters 18" high, 1.4" brushstroke with Background: yellow background. A warning sign shall be displayed at the: 1. Front of the power unit; 2. Rear of the towed unit; or 3. Rear of the load.
All Oversize Loads: All flags shall be 18" square clean bright red flags on all four corners of the extremities of other over width objects, and at the extreme ends of all protrusions, projections, or overhangs.
A front overhang of 10' or more requires an amber strobe or flashing light.
Dimensions: Width: 8' 6" (8' local roads) Height: 13' 6"' Motor Truck: 45' Trailers: 53' Truck-trailer Combination: 65' Legal Overhang:, Rear5'
Kentucky Oversize / Overweight Permit Regulations
South Dakota Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Nunavut Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Prince Edward Island Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions
Saskatchewan Oversize Load Flags, Lights, Banners, Running Hours and Holiday Restrictions